Why Choose St. Paul’s Lutheran School?
St. Paul’s school is uniquely positioned as the only 3K-8 school in Dunn County. We are Christ-centered, offer a challenging curriculum to create tomorrow’s leaders, and help all students find their higher calling to love and serve God and their neighbor.
Lutherans have established schools in the United States since 1640. Martin Luther established this foundation of instructing children in church-based school in 1517. His goal was the same as ours over 500 years after he began the first Lutheran school: to prepare children with God’s Word across the curriculum in the arts, sciences, mathematics, humanities and physical education to be useful and faithful Christian servants in the world, looking for the life to come in Heaven with Jesus.
St. Paul’s established a Lutheran school in Menomonie at least as early as 1885 and it has been recognized in the state archives as a model Lutheran school since the 1920’s. Much has changed since those days but our focus on a Biblically sound Christian worldview at the center of a classical education model has produced many leaders of our community and beyond for generations. We offer a curriculum which meets or exceeds all state and national standards. We have 1 to 1 technology in the classroom and a low student to teacher ratio, which is research proven to greatly improve student achievement. Our school is not limited to members of our church, Jesus tells his disciples in the Bible to let the children come to him, and so we follow his direction fully and freely.
Our students go from St. Paul’s to area public and private high schools and perform very well. Many of our students begin high school in advanced class placement thanks to our great teachers.
Frequently Asked Questions
St. Paul’s School is fully accredited by WELSSA and NCPSA!
In October of 2024, the school completed an extensive self-study evaluating its program of Christian education according to 241 standards in fifteen vital areas including Mission & Vision, Curriculum, Instruction, Community Relations, Facility, School Climate, Student Services, Professional Personnel, and Facilities. An accreditation Site Visit Team visited St. Paul’s to validate the evidence that has been gathered during the self-study. The team recommended that our school be granted full accreditation status at an exemplary level, which means that we were able to meet over 95% of the self-study’s 241 standards. Our school received 23 noteworthy commendations in its accreditation report! Our school has been accredited and in a continuous improvement process with WELSSA Accreditation since 2015.
The answer is simple. From 3K to 8th grade, at St. Paul’s we build on the most important foundation there is: Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Having a foundation that is based on God’s love for His children allows our students to grow up with a healthy self-worth and respect for themselves and for others around them. Having a foundation built on Jesus Christ encourages every child to strive for a future where his or her God-given talents are used in everything we do in life and it’s done to the glory of our God. Finally and most importantly, a foundation built on God and His grace for us is not just for this life – it’s for eternity!
Christian education shows our students God’s saving Word and eternal love for us, His children! Through daily classes in God’s Word, devotions, discussions, and prayer, we are able to ensure that our Students know the love of God. Weekly chapels allow our students to bond with children of all age ranges and gain fellowship with them as they strengthen their faiths in God’s house. You can learn more about what we believe at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church & School by contacting Principal Buss or visiting this link: https://wels.net/about-wels/what-we-believe/
At St. Paul’s, we believe the spiritual care of a child is of the utmost importance. We teach God’s Word in its truth and purity by instructing our students in the Bible’s fundamental Christian doctrines and equipping them to apply Scriptural truths to their lives. As such, we are committed to assisting the parents by providing a quality, Christ-centered education to the children entrusted to our care and instructing them in God’s plan of salvation.
- Gospel Centered
Keep Christ and his Gospel central to everything we do at St. Paul’s.
For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. (1 Corinthians 2:2) - Christian Teaching & Living
Teach the truth of God’s Word faithfully while modeling Christian life to students and their families.
Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers. (1 Timothy 4:16) - Christian Environment
Provide a safe and supportive Christian environment in which the child may grow spiritually, academically, socially, and emotionally.
Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. (Proverbs 22:6) - Academic Excellence
Ensure academic excellence to prepare children to be productive Christian citizens.
Whatever you do, do if from the heart, as something done for the Lord. (Colossians 3:23) - Well-Rounded
Enrich our students’ learning by providing opportunities for extra-curricular activities, including academic, fine arts, and sports related activities.
For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. (1 Timothy 4:8) - Evangelism Minded
Serve as an active mission arm of St. Paul’s congregation and maintain an active presence in the community.
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. (1 Peter 2:9)
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church & School is part of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). Congregations within WELS operate one of the largest Lutheran school systems in the country with 368 early childhood ministries, 282 Lutheran elementary schools, 27 area Lutheran high schools, 2 Prep high schools, and Wisconsin Lutheran College in Milwaukee, WI (Commission on Lutheran Schools. “Wels Numbers.” WELS, 2022, https://wels.net/about-wels/history/numbers/.).
For more information, click here: Foundational Principles of WELS Schools
Click here to view our curriculum maps for each classroom: Curriculum Maps
We are glad to be able to offer a variety of Early Childhood programs at St. Paul’s! Programs that we currently offer are as follows:
3-Day 3K (Tuesday-Thursday) – 8:00am-11:30am
5-Day 3K (Monday-Friday) – 8:00am-11:30am
5-Day 4K (Monday-Friday) – 8:00am-11:30am
3-Day Extended Day Program (Tuesday-Thursday) – 11:30am-3:00pm
5-Day Extended Day Program (Monday-Friday) – 11:30am-3:00pm
5-Day 5K (Monday-Friday) – 7:55am-3:05pm
Children can begin learning at St. Paul’s as early as 3 years old! It is important to note that your child must be 3 by September 1st of the school year that you plan to enroll him or her. See more details on our program from 3-year-olds here: What Early Childhood programs do you offer?
Yes, your child does have to be potty trained to attend St. Paul’s.
Payments can be made with cash or check in the office or through the mail. You can also make payments online by visiting the “Payments” tab or by clicking here: Payments.
Tuition payments may be made in full (5% discount if paid at the beginning of the school year) or in 10 monthly payments.
Every student at St. Paul’s Lutheran School receives tuition assistance from our congregation in the sense that the congregation supports the school as its primary mission word, thus lowering the tuition cost compared to the actual cost of educating a child.
In addition to the lowered tuition cost for all students attending St. Paul’s, we also have a tuition assistance program called the Angel Fund. A percentage of the investment’s dividends are withdrawn from the account each school year in September and divided evenly among those who apply who assistance. We always accept donations towards the Angel Fund as we rely on donations to continue this program. Click here to make a donation online toward the Angel Fund: Payments. Additional questions regarding the Angel Fund may be directed to Principal Buss.
We offer discounts for multi-child families and to those who pay the full tuition amount upfront at the beginning of the school year. 10-month payment plans are in place for those who prefer to pay over time rather than in full in August.
Stable, Comfortably-Sized, Experienced, Successful
- The WELS School system of over 430 schools reaches over 26,000 students nationwide.
- WELS operates 27 high school across the nation with a newer high school – Cornerstone Lutheran High School – in the Chippewa Valley.
Academically Excellent
- Lutheran school students test 23% higher than the national average on standard achievement tests.
- Average SAT/ACT test scores of students attending Lutheran high schools are well above the national average. Students in Lutheran schools at every grade level, and especially in middle school and high school, have more developmental assets than students in public schools, according to Search Institute.
Christ-centered and Mission Minded
- Since our schools are Evangelical in name like our church body, sharing the love of Christ is central to everything we do and say. Our faith is integrated across the curriculum. As a result, many children are baptized and many families join congregations and become active in the life of the church. However, membership is not required and non-member families comprise roughly two-thirds of our enrollment, with half of those students have no church home at all.
Lutheran Schools Make a Difference that Matters*
- Reliable statistical research* from a study of people who attended Lutheran schools reveals that they…
- report the importance of faith and a personal relationship with their Lord and Savior in their personal lives
- exhibit a more consistent and caring faith in Jesus
- profess a greater clarity on the way of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone
- retain and apply Biblical knowledge in daily life for wisdom from the Lord of Lords, creator of Heaven and earth
- engage in a robust devotional and prayer life
- do more witnessing to others about Jesus
- have a greater awareness of the presence of the Lord in one’s whole life
- give a higher value to relationships with Christ and other persons
- show more reasonable respect for authority
- live out stronger tendencies to be forgiving and personally forthright with other people
- evidence greater avoidance of over-simplistic views (such as viewing complex social issues as more than mere power struggles)
- reveal less tendency to be anxious about life and their faith
- are less swayed by their peers outside of the faith
- The research also proved that the more years a person attended a Lutheran school, the more significant these differences became.
*Milo Brekke, How Different Are People Who Attended Lutheran Schools; based on data compiled by Youth Research Center
Why are tuition rates different for children who are and are not members of St. Paul’s congregation?
At St. Paul’s, we recognize that as a congregation, we are a family. As part of our congregational family, we have made a commitment that the children of our active members (and families actively seeking fellowship within our congregation) will receive tuition assistance in the form of a lower cost of tuition. Member offerings offset the cost of education at St. Paul’s by over 50%, and it is understood that parents who are part of the congregation contribute towards that with their offerings.
St. Paul’s Lutheran School is committed to the safety and security of students, faculty, staff, and visitors. We have incorporated several safety procedures including locked doors during school hours and events, camera systems, school safety drills, regular staff trainings (First Aid, CPR, AED training, etc), and more. As a smaller school, we have a stronger sense of community and parents, staff, and students are able to get to know each other and look out for each other.
All adults who work and volunteer with children at St. Paul’s undergo a background check. In addition to a background check, field trip drivers must provide a copy of their drivers’ license and proof of insurance.
Drop off in the morning begins at 7:30am. We do not currently have a program that allows students to be dropped off early than this.
At this time we do not offer an after school care program. The Extended Day program is available to Early Childhood students to extend the regular school day (8:00am-11:30pm) to a full school day (8:00am-3:00pm).
You do not have to be a member of St. Paul’s church to have your child(ren) attend our school. We would love to have your family be a part of both our church and our school, but we understand and respect that some families may decide to not become members of our congregation.
If you would like to become a part of our church family at St. Paul’s, contact one of our pastors to get enrolled in a Bible Information Class, learn about what our beliefs are as a church and school, and join our congregation.
You can also view the “Start Here” page on our church website for more information: https://stpaulmenomonie.com/start-here/
To meet the 2025-2026 income requirements for the program a student’s family must have an Adjusted Gross Income at or below 220% of the federal poverty level. An additional $7,000 is allowed for a married couple. 2025-26 Adjusted Gross Income limits are:
Family of 1
Family of 2
Family of 3
Family of 4
Family of 5
Family of 6
*Add $11,836 for each additional family member beyond 6
**Income is the Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) on the 1040 tax form for 2024
The state makes the final determination. However, if a student receives a voucher, it may be renewed for the following years. The subsequent applications are much simpler; only residency verification is needed.
4K is considered an “entry point” in the program. This means all 4K students who meet the income criteria may apply. The cap for vouchers varies each school year is a certain percentage of the total enrollment of the school district where the family resides. If more than that percentage from the district apply for vouchers, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction randomly selects which eligible students receive vouchers.
The timing of the application does not give the applicant family an advantage. Those who register near the end of the enrollment period have the same opportunity as those who register early. However, an early application is still recommended to be sure that the state and St. Paul’s receive the correct information.
If more students apply to the WPCP than what St. Paul’s opens, the state of Wisconsin will conduct a lottery to select the students. On occasion, a selected student may decide not to attend. If this happens, an opportunity may be extended to a student at that grade level who was not initially selected.
No. The choice payment covers tuition and education-related fees in full. For example, lunch and milk costs are not covered by the WPCP. If you have questions, contact St. Paul’s choice administrator for more information.
Not necessarily. WPCP guidelines are scheduled to allow a certain percentage (decided prior to the beginning of WPCP enrollment) of the student population of a school district to participate in the program.
For example, if a district has 1,000 students, 7% of that total – 70 students – may participate. Keep in mind that all WPCP schools in the area share the 70 students from that district. If the number of applicants from a district exceeds the 7%, a DPI lottery randomly selects which students receive vouchers. This means that some qualified applicants may not be selected.
No. All applicant families must additionally provide two pieces of information to St. Paul’s.
One is proof of residency. This may be a recent utility bill, a cable bill, a tax bill, or another government-issued mailing that proves that the family lives at the location that it claims. Proof of residency is necessary for all applicants as the state uses this for the distribution of Choice vouchers.
Secondly, the family may need to document its financial eligibility. For those using the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) method, this typically means providing their completed and signed tax forms to St. Paul’s. For those using the Department of Revenue (DOR) method who did not check it themselves, this means providing the Social Security number(s) of the parent(s) during the application process.
Whichever method the family selects, the online application form informs parents what to provide to St. Paul’s.
Tuition rates can be found on the “Tuition Rates” page under the “Enrollment” tab or by clicking this link: https://school.stpaulmenomonie.com/tuition-rates/
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